....Nyt campus til Absalon Proffesionshøjskolen i Slagelse
Totalentreprisen omfatter opførelse af et nybyggeri på ca. 12.500 m2 med tilhørende udearealer og parkering - tæt på banen.
Det samlede byggeri skal indholde undervisningslokaler, særlige faglokaler, kantine, fællesarealer, kontorer og mødelokaler og vil danne rammen for udvikling af samspillet mellem flere forskellige uddannelser (Socialrådgiveruddannelsen, Efter- og videreuddannelsen EUV, Pæadagoguddannelsen, Ernærings og sundhedsuddannelsen, Sygeplejerskeuddannelsen) og fællesadministrationen for Absalon.
Hovedorganiseringen tager udgangspunkt i ønsket om at samle bygningsenhederne i en kompakt bygningsstruktur – både ud fra bæredygtige og funktionelle aspekter. Absalons samlede bygningsmasse nedskaleres som en komposition af forskudte bygningsvolumener.
Herved rejser Absalon sig op i det flade jernbaneterræn og bygningerne terrasserer og tilpasser sig skalaen i det lave by- og parcelhuskvarter.
New campus for Absalon Vocational School in Slagelse
The overall contract includes the construction of a new building of approx. 12,500 m2 with associated outdoor areas and parking - close to the track.
The overall building will contain classrooms, special classrooms, canteen, common areas, offices and meeting rooms and will form the framework for the development of the interaction between several different educations (Social Worker Education, Post- and Further Education EUV, Early Childhood Education, Nutrition and Health Education, Nursing Education) and the joint administration for Absalon .
The main organization is based on the desire to gather the building units in a compact building structure - both from sustainable and functional aspects. Absalon's total building mass is scaled down as a composition of displaced building volumes.
In this way, Absalon rises up in the flat railway terrain and the buildings terrace and adapt to the scale of the low-rise town and detached house quarter.