....Entreprise for Artha Kapital Forvaltning i smørhullet af København
Projektet omfatter renovering af 3 eksisterende bygninger og opførelse af én ny bygning, i totalentreprise, med i alt 63 attraktive boliger, beliggende lige i ”smørhullet” på Blegdamsvej, lige overfor Skt. Hans Torv.
Byggeriet er med tilhørende parkeringskælder, fælles gårdrum, tagterrasser m.m.
Undertaking for Artha Capital Management in the center of Copenhagen
The project includes the renovation of 3 existing buildings and the construction of one new building, as a turnkey contract, with a total of 63 attractive homes, located right in the "butter hole" on Blegdamsvej, directly opposite Skt. Hans Torv.
The building has an associated parking garage, shared courtyard, roof terraces, etc.